Microsoft Excel Projects
Here is an example of the attendance sheet and interval staffing sheet that I used to send reports. I also used information from the schedule file to send reports
This Excel file was created using Microsoft Excel. Kindly view it and download it by clicking this link!AroJMieUeuj5frdXH5sEmBI94Cg?e=86OsIU
In the January Month Attendance sheet
In the attendance workbook, on the January Month Attendance sheet, Conditional Formatting is used to change the words: Present, Off, Late, Absent, Vacation Leave, Medical Leave, and Termed into different colours, and the background is also changed into different colours.
The COUNTIF function is used to calculate the Total Late, Total Absent, Total Vacation Leave, Total Medical Leave, and Total No Pay Leave.
Additionally, the COUNTIF function is used to calculate the number of persons late to work per day (tardiness), the number of persons termed per day (attrition), the number of persons absent per day, the number of persons on medical leave per day, the number of persons on vacation leave per day, and the number of persons on no pay leave per day.
In the Interval staffing sheet
To send the hourly report, I check the requirements for that hour, which is from 23:00 to 00:00. I look at the number of people scheduled for that hour, the number of people actually working during that hour, and the number of people who are on Vacation Leave, Medical Leave, No Pay Leave, or Absent. I also check for any system issues during that hour.
After that, I enter the information in the table, take a screenshot and send it by email.
Here is an example of the schedule file that I used to send reports and manage break and lunch schedule.
In the Schedule workbook, Conditional Formatting is used to change the words Off and the background into red.
This Excel file was created using Microsoft Excel. Kindly view it and download it by clicking this link!AroJMieUeuj5gQEuSAorV4jbVXFm?e=acvU7D
Here are excel projects that I did to demonstrate somethings I can do in Excel.
Kindly view the excel file and download it by clicking this link!AroJMieUeuj5gSt6OMHJZbrYA5cr?e=RjLwql
Here are detail explanations of each sheet
In the Sales sheet, for the Sam fruits business sales in the month of January 2024
The SUM function is used to calculate the total sales that each salesperson made for the month January 2024 and the total sales for department.
The AVERAGE function is used to calculate the average sales for the department.
The IF function is used to determine if each salesperson met the goal of $35,000 and if each salesperson will get a 10% bonus.
The IF function and the AND function is used to determine if everyone will get a department bonus, or no one will get the department bonus. In order for everyone to get the department bonus, the Department as a whole must have total sales of at least $210,000 and an average sale of $10,000 or more per week.
In the Sales sheet, for the Tom Peanut business sales in the month of January 2024
For the Tom Peanut business sales, after each employee sales are entered in the sales per day, In the bonus column, the IF function and the VLOOKUP function are used to determine whether the employees get a Regular Bonus or Holiday Bonus.
From the dropdown menu, under Regular or Holiday Bonus?, select regular, if the employees made sales on a regular pay day so that they will get the regular bonus. However, select holiday, if the employees made sales on a holiday so that they will get the holiday bonus.
In the Charts sheet
The Charts sheet shows a 2D and 3D column chart for the Sam fruits business sales.
In the inventory sheet
In the inventory sheet, there is an Inventory table that contains all the information about the products that Jerry Company sells, as well as the quantity of these products available at different stores.
In the Inventory Status Check section, the HLOOKUP function is used to determine the quantity of each product available at each store. However, if you enter a product that is not listed in the Inventory table, the IFERROR function is used to display No Product Exists.
The TODAY function is used to determine the current date. In the Bills Information table, a formula is used to calculate the number of days overdue. Additionally, formulas are used to calculate the number of days and years since the company started.
In the SparkLines sheet
To demonstrate linking cells in the same sheet, cell K3, which contains the words Using SparkLines, is linked to cells L3 and M3.
In columns K, L, and M, different types of sparklines are displayed. A sparkline is a tiny chart in a cell that provides a visual representation of data. In this example, Sparklines are inserted into cells to provide a visual representation of sales from June to December. They are used to show trends in a series of values, such as seasonal increases or decreases, to highlight maximum and minimum values, etc.
In column C, the CONCATENATE function is used to join the first name and last name together.
To demonstrate linking data from another sheet, the last and first names in the Sparkline sheet are linked to the employee’s last and first names from the sales team department in the Records sheet.
In the Q1 sheet
In the Q1 Expenses sheet, the SUMIFS function is used to calculate the total expenses for each category in each building. The SUMIF function is used to calculate the total expenses for each category. The AVERAGEIF function is used to calculate the average expenses for each category.
In the Soft drinks sheet
In the Soft Drinks sheet, the Subtotal function from the Data tab is used to calculate the sum of the total sales, margin, and quantity for both Orange Soda and Cream Soda. This information is displayed in three different views, which the user can select from the left-hand side of the worksheet.
- The first view is the Grand Total view, which displays the sum of all sales, margins, and quantities.
- The second view shows the Grand Total, as well as the sum of the total sales, margin, and quantity for Orange Soda and Cream Soda separately.
- The third view presents a table with all the information, the Grand Total, and the sum of the total sales, margin, and quantity for Orange Soda and Cream Soda separately.
In the Data Validation sheet
In the Data Validation sheet, data validation is applied to the Banker column. This ensures that only the three bankers available in the dropdown can be selected. If a user types any name that is not in the dropdown list, an error message will be displayed.
Data validation is also used in the Credit Limit column. This restricts the input to a credit limit ranging from 100 to 1000. If a number lower than 100 is entered, or a number greater than 1000 is entered, an error message will be displayed.
Lastly, data validation is applied to the Date column. This restricts the input to a date range from 12/01/2023 to 12/24/2023. If a date before 12/01/2023 or after 12/24/2023 is entered, an error message will be displayed.
Balance sheet and Profit and loss statement
Kindly view the excel file and download it by clicking this link!AroJMieUeuj5gTIryvTdy9nOpmgI?e=eqmrL3
Interactive Dashboard with Pivot Table
Kindly view it and download it by clicking this link!AroJMieUeuj5gTiFAAT09sG5jt_6?e=HQVkUB
When one option is selected on the Date Timeline, Country Slicer, or Product Slicer, all three charts will change. The Donuts Sold Each Month sheet has a pivot table and pivot chart. Similarly, the Profit by Month sheet and the Profit by Country and Donut sheet each have a pivot table and pivot chart, all derived from the data sheet.
In the Dashboard sheet, the Profit by Country and Donut chart is from the Profit by Country and Donut sheet. The Profit by Month chart is from the Profit by Month sheet, and the Donuts Sold Each Month chart is from the Donuts Sold Each Month sheet.
Please note that all the information in these Microsoft Excel files is made up. These are just examples of demonstrating my use of Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
Here is an example of a PowerPoint Presentation of a fake Donut company
Kindly view it and download it by clicking this link!AroJMieUeuj5gS00ZcsZ1FObf7-M?e=W7gEbX
Here is the same PowerPoint Presentation of a fake Donut company save as a video in 4K.
Here is an example of a PowerPoint Presentation of a fake furniture store with 3D objects
Kindly view it and download it by clicking this link!AroJMieUeuj5gSWVXL7C5SibfFdZ?e=eAMLx5
Here is the same PowerPoint Presentation of the fake furniture store with 3D objects save as a video in 4K.
Please note that all the information in these Microsoft PowerPoint files is made up. These are just examples of demonstrating my use of Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Word
Here is the resume that I created using Microsoft Word
Kindly view it and download it by clicking this link!AroJMieUeuj5gT02yqfh8X0DxkrJ?e=TiKvf1
Here is the Details about a fake furniture store that I created to demonstrate the use of Microsoft Word.
Kindly view it and download it by clicking this link!AroJMieUeuj5gSnbbqv4PLXy7jII?e=WDvj3X
Please note that all the information in this Microsoft Word file is made up. This is just an example of demonstrating my use of Microsoft Word.
Microsoft Access
I created a Microsoft Access file to showcase some of my capabilities with the software.
However, I could not display the file on this website from OneDrive or Google Drive. To view my work in Microsoft Access, kindly download the file by clicking this link
Additionally, I have created a video demonstrating the tasks I performed in the Microsoft Access file.
Please unmute the video to hear sound. The video was made by using Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft word.
Please note that all the information in this Microsoft Access file is made up. This is just an example of demonstrating my use of Microsoft Access.
Here is the explanation of the Microsoft access file
The Customer table includes the following fields: Customer Name, Phone Number, Email Address, Address, Region, and Country.
The Types of Furniture and Cost table lists the types of furniture sold by the store and the cost of each item.
The Orders table includes an Order ID field and a Customer Name field, which is populated from the Customer table using a dropdown list.
There is an Order Date field, which is filled by selecting a date from the calendar.
The Type of Furniture field is populated by selecting a furniture type from a dropdown list, which is sourced from the Types of Furniture and Cost table.
There is a Furniture Cost field in Guyana Dollars, which is entered manually. I cannot link the price from the furniture table to the order table because the lookup wizard does not allow currency linking.
The 10% Sales Tax In Guyana Dollars field automatically calculates 10% of the Furniture Cost once the cost of the furniture is entered.
There is a Payment Method field that has a dropdown menu with four different payment methods: Cash, Debit Card, Credit Card, and Voucher. If the customer pays with Cash, select Cash. If the customer pays with a Debit Card, select Debit Card. If the customer pays with a Credit Card, select Credit Card. If the customer pays with a Voucher, select Voucher.
The Order Fulfilled field is a yes/no checkbox. If the order is fulfilled, click the checkbox. If the order is not fulfilled, leave the checkbox empty.
The Order Fulfilled Date field is populated by selecting a date from the calendar. A validation rule ensures that the Order Fulfilled Date is the same as or later than the Order Date.
The Order Fulfillment Methods field has a dropdown menu with two different options: In-Store Pickup and Ship To Customer. If the customer visits the store to pick up the order, select In-Store Pickup. If the order is shipped to the customer, select Ship To Customer
The Shipping Cost in Guyana Dollars field has a formula that determines whether the customer has to pay shipping costs. If the Order Fulfillment Method is Ship To Customer, then the customer has to pay a shipping cost of 5,000.00 Guyana Dollars. However, if the Order Fulfillment Method is In-Store Pickup, the customer does not have to pay shipping costs since the customer visits the store to pick up the order.
The Total Cost In Guyana Dollars field uses a formula that adds the Furniture Cost, 10% Sales Tax, and Shipping Cost to determine the total cost of the furniture.
A customer form that can be used to add more customers to the customer table.
A query and report for the Unfulfilled Orders.
Google & Microsoft Forms
I created a Microsoft Form to demonstrate some of the things I can do with Microsoft Forms
Kindly view the form by clicking this link
I created a Google Form to demonstrate some of the things I can do with Google Forms
Kindly view the form by clicking this link
Please note that all the information in the Google and Microsoft forms is made up. These are just examples of demonstrating my use of Google and Microsoft forms.
Google & Outlook Calendar
Using Google Calendar
I created this video to demonstrate some of the things I can do with Google Calendar. Some of the things are creating meetings, rescheduling meetings, cancelling meetings, creating a repeating meeting, and displaying multiple time zones.
Using Outlook Calendar
I created this video to demonstrate some of the things I can do with Outlook Calendar. Some of the things are creating meetings, rescheduling meetings, cancelling meetings, creating a repeating meeting, and displaying multiple time zones.
Please note that all the information in the Google and outlook calendars is made up. These are just examples of demonstrating my use of Google and Outlook calendars
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